Organization development / Company Sparring

Organizational course

An organizational course will especially be about relations and interaction plus the identification of the individual participants’ contribution and needs, which will help the organization gain optimal yield. The focus will be on raising awareness of and confirming the company culture and on creating a discussion which will increase the group’s understanding of what is central to the individual in the group with a view to developing and maintaining a culture which reduces/compensates for the dependence on persons and helps establish relations, intimacy, intuition, gut feeling and ability to act in a new constellation with the possibility of obtaining something better.  This means that the team/group will become better at working end to end with a view to getting bigger/better results and keeping/creating a higher degree of momentum (progress). This will be achieved through the realisation that the individual feels that s/he is seen, heard, understood and felt by the team/group (recognition).  


Recognition is an understanding and acceptance of the fact that some things are in a certain way – the ability to perceive. This means to say that we accept the existence of some things and that we relate to them in a certain way plus that it is true for others on their terms. Recognition is prior to realization and it is this very movement which is constructive. This movement is created when you feel heard, felt and understood. When you feel that you are an important part of the group, you will find it much easier to contribute to it.


We do not perceive praise as recognition as we perceive praise as an evaluation. Recognition is much more powerful and deeper and it is the recipient who decides whether something is recognizing. Even a rebuke or a severe follow-up may in some situations be perceived as recognition by some people.


The added bonus is less stress and performance anxiety and a greater willingness to walk the extra mile for others in the group.


Focus areas:


  • The communication sequence (the building of a suitable degree of professional intimacy) Rituals, language, body language, gestures, roles, shared third experiences and professional intimacy


  • The dilemmas of professional intimacy and how to handle it


  • Identification of contributions and needs


  • Attunement of expectations between parties and groups (at the social, personal and professional level)


  • Identification of the individual’s biggest challenge (The biggest challenge, how do I handle it myself and in what way can the team contribute)


  • Robust work processes (understanding, acceptance and responsibility)


  • The establishment/anchoring of a robust feedback culture


  • How to work with goals, frameworks, roles and codes of practice in the way in which we communicate


To maximise the output, it is extremely relevant to couple an organizational and a personal course. Working with the personal and the organisational at the same time means that the speed at which the organization can develop accelerates markedly.


Read more about the personal course here

AmikiGroup | Greve Strandvej 59A, 2670 Greve - Danmark | Phone: + 45 5125 6798